Thursday, March 21, 2013

Black Bean and Cheese Enchiladas with Ranchero Sauce

I seem to be back to my normal cooking routine of cooking on Tuesdays and Thursdays.   Today, I made Black Bean and Cheese Enchiladas with Ranchero Sauce.    This is another Cooking Light recipe I found on   

This is a great vegetarian dish and we do like to go without meat once in awhile.   I would really like to cook one vegetarian meal per week, but there are just so many more meat or seafood dishes I like better.   I was a vegetarian when I started learning to cook, but that was many years ago.

Its the sauce that really makes the enchiladas so delicious.    The fresh oregano, onions and garlic cooking together smelled so wonderful when I was making the Ranchero Sauce.  

This is probably the fourth or fifth time I have used this recipe, so I am starting to get better at it (which means the dish has turned out well the last few times and I didn't skip a step or leave out a key ingredient.)

One thing I do find really annoying in most recipes is that the amounts are not included in the step-by-step description.    Most recipes list the ingredients and amounts of each ingredient and then leave the amounts in the step-by-step instructions.    I am often looking at the recipe on my phone or my Samsung Galaxy tablet while cooking and I frequently have to scroll up to see the amounts of each ingredient.    When the instructions say... "add broth to pan," then I have to scroll up to see that the amount is 2 cups of broth.   And if they say something like, "add remaining broth to pan," then I have to scroll up to find the amount of broth and then find the other place in the instructions where broth was used to see how much I should have left.   This process can sometimes ruin a dish when you are trying to cook something which should be over heat for only a minute or two or you don't have a free hand to scroll. 

Well, the enchiladas turned out great tonight and the Ranchero Sauce was excellent.

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