Saturday, August 3, 2013

Red Curried Tofu

I made Red Curried Tofu for dinner tonight.  This is a Cooking Light recipe I found on

Its nice to have a meatless meal once in awhile, especially if you are counting calories and tracking the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet, but I generally don't get that excited about a tofu dish, so its been awhile since made this.   The last time I made this dish was back in April and that was the first time I had used this recipe.

I remembered that I liked the dish back in April, but I actually loved the dish and I loved it tonight as well.   It was much tastier than I remembered.

Cooking light says that each serving which includes about 3/4 cup of cooked rice is almost 300 calories.    I ended up eating about 1.5 servings for a 450 calorie dinner, which is a little lighter than the amount of calories I typically consume at dinner.

Its about 11pm now and if I don't eat anything else, I will end the day with a calorie deficit of about 1,000 calories.

Contents Calories Comments
Breakfast Raisin Bran
Toast w/margarine and jam
Coffie and milk
426 High fiber breakfast!
Lunch Turkey sandwich with low fat cheddar cheese, mayo, mustard and tomatoes.
Tortilla chips and salsa
450 2oz of roasted turkey breast and 45 calories per slice Sara Lee Bread
Dinner Red Curried Tofu 474
Snacks Apple, Cheese puffs,
Psylllium Husk, and Orange Juice
362 I take 3 tablespoons of psyllium husk in a glass of orange juice every night.
Exercise Raking leaves and yard work for 90 minutes -400
Total Consumption 1312
Daily Burn -2300
Total -1012 If I did this every day, I would lose over 2lbs per week!

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