Monday, April 15, 2013

Lemon Oregano Lamb Chops

Tonight for dinner, I made Lemon Oregano Lamb Chops.   I usually make these on the stove, but the weather was so nice, I decided to grill them.   They turned out great.   A few weeks ago, I started banking all the coals around the outer edges of the grill and cooking the meat in the center of the grill.   This method continues to result in juicy, perfectly cooked meat which is not charred on the outside.

Per the recipe, I marinated the lamb chops in fresh minced garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and dried oregano.   They my smelled wonderful when they were on the grill and they tasted even better..

As sides for this meal, I served zucchini sauteed in olive oil and baked potato. 

My 9 year old daughter does not like lamb chops or meat marinated in garlic and lemon juice, so I grilled a pork chop for her.   I sprinkled a little salt and pepper on the  pork chop before grilling but used no marinade or other seasonings.   I also baked her a sweet potato instead of a regular potato.   She ate about 1/3 of a pork chop, a small sweet potato, and about a 1/4 cup of the sauteed zucchini.   


For myself, since I am trying to cut down on calories and sodium ( and fat and cholesterol), I used only 2 teaspoons of margarine and 3 teaspoons of sour cream on my baked potato.   Overall, my dinner was 544 calories, and under 200mg of sodium.   For the day, my sodium intake was 1,680mg which lowest daily intake of sodium since I started keeping track and about about half of what I was taking in most days.    For the whole day I consumed a little less than 2,000 calories which is my goal.   This included a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a salad with ranch dressing, shrimp, and kidney beans for lunch, and the lamb chops, potato, and zucchini for dinner and a snack or two throughout the day.   If I stay under 2,000 calories per day, I will lose about 1 pound per week.

Tomorrow night is left over lamb chops and then Wednesday night, I am thinking about a veggie lasagna, vegetarian chili, or chicken biryani.

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